St. John's will be marking its 100th anniversary on Humberside Avenue on November 4, 2023, and plans are developing for a special Centennial Event on that day, which falls on a Saturday.
Input is sought from everyone to decide if a Centennial Event would be best held during the afternoon or the evening of Saturday, Nov. 4.
Please indicate your preference in an email message to Christopher Rutty at hhrs@healthheritageresearch.com by Sunday, Sept. 17.
Among the ideas suggested for such an event include:
Light catered food, such as sandwiches
A presentation on the history of SJWT on Humberside by Christopher Rutty
A presentation by Mother Alexandra highlighting how Sunday services have changed since 1923
An opportunity to dress in 1920-era clothing based on advice from May Webster
An opportunity to invite St. John's past parishioners to attend the event
An opportunity for parishioners, present and past, and people in the neighbourhood, to gather, socialize and better understand the history and legacy of St. John's and more fully appreciate the importance of its Humberside home to the community into the future.
Input on these ideas and suggestions of others are more than welcome and can also be directed to Chris at hhrs@healthheritageresearch.com.
Thank you.
